Saturday, December 28, 2013

Soccer ball.

It's been a while since I've had something to post on here. I'd sort of forgotten about it. But in moving to a new house, we've lost a handful of things to Torg the Destroyer. He ripped open a bag of outgrown baby clothes--twice (he ate most of the bag the first time)--and was just generally an idiot for our last month or so in the old house.

He's settled in surprisingly well at the new house. But yesterday he got a bug up his butt and went after the tree, destroying an ornament (which I didn't take a picture of before we tossed it) and attempting to destroy another one before Kevin stopped him.

But the biggest casualty so far this week has been the soccer ball we got Lorelai for Christmas.

He's obsessed with ripping the hexagons off of soccer balls. This is the second soccer ball he's done this to. The other one was destroyed beyond usability.

Here's hoping having a fenced yard to run around in will help get some of this energy out.

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