Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My dog destroys stuff.

This is Torgerson. Torgerson destroys stuff.

I know, all dogs destroy stuff. But Torgerson destroys a LOT of stuff. He's lived with us for less than two weeks and he's already destroyed:
  1. A leash
  2. Three sippy cups
  3. At least 20 balls from Lorelai's ball pit
  4. His bed
  5. A pillow
  6. A baby block
  7. A stuffed penguin
  8. His stuffed bone
  9. A stuffed duck that plays music
  10. The corners of half of Lorelai's books
  11. The black ball from my in-laws' croquet set
  12. The basket we kept his toys in
  13. The wastebasket from Lorelai's room
  14. Two beach balls
  15. Lorelai's pig spoon

Now, not all of these items have been damaged beyond repair/future use (the croquet ball is still functional, but it's got a lot of bite marks in it), but if he's chewed it to the point that I have groaned and said, "Oh, shit, not again", I consider it fodder for this new blog of mine.

A friend who also has a rescue dog about Torg's size said her dog did similar things for a while, but once she fully settled into their house and realized she was there for good, she stopped. So there's hope that one day I can leave a room without fearing for my sofa cushions (which, to date, have not been destroyed, but have been moved from the sofa into the dining room).

In the meantime, I shall blog Torg's destruction. Enjoy.

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